by tsp

Covid. In the current Covid crisis and its impact on migrant workers and rural livelihoods, we are working   with   Helping Hands Charitable Trust of Mumbai.                                                         (http://helpinghandsct.org/)  

                                                                                                  YEP and Y4S

TSP from its founding has seen youth as an important group to work with to achieve the sustainability goals of TSP. A number of TSP Council members have experience of working with youth and students and therefore TSP has seen youth empowerment especially of socially and economically disadvantaged youth as a high priority.

At the same time, youth from relatively better of situations, mostly college and university students have approached TSP members expressing their desire to work on Sustainability, TSP is having internal consultations and is in the process of evolving as part of its Outreach, two programmes. One under the rubric of Y4S (Youth for Sustainability) for college students and others and secondly a Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) for youth from disadvantaged backgrounds like rural and Adivasi youth. More information will be provided on request.


Y4S – Youth for Sustainability

Simar Kohli Das

Simar is a water activist, educator and entrepreneur. Experienced Founder with a demonstrated history of working in the wastewater sector. Skilled in Market Research and Marketing Strategy is a strong operations professional with a Post-graduate Diploma focused in Development Communication from Jamia Millia Islamia and Journalism from Christ University. She has founded Lifetide – People’s Collective for water sustainability, justice and harmony www.lifetide.in and co-founded ECOSTP – Zero Power natural sewage treatment technology www.ecostp.in.

She is a powerful catalyst in assisting TSP Asia in promoting YS4 and contributes in reporting Sustainability initiatives. She contributed for TSP an excellent analysis of the Co-Evolve Builders Green Building Project for their apartment complex in Bangalore and provided the Life Performance Metrics quantifying the sustainability benefits achieved through Co-Evolve, a Green Builder and in their Green Building approach. This report of Simar was published by UN-ESCAP in their study on, ‘Enabling Policies for Financing Water Related Sustainable Development Goals’.


Shristi Achar

Shristi Achar, passed out as a BA (Economics) student from SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Mumbai University). She has a keen interest in writing, both creative and academic, and undertaking research projects. Her interests are in academic fields relating to development studies and gender economics. She associated with TSP by requesting our involvement in organizing a national seminar hosted by her college on the topic of ‘Climate Change and the Indian Economy’. She volunteered as a field investigator for a research project on Mumbai municipality election voting patterns, which was undertaken by Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune. Her other career aim is journalism and serious writing. She recently co-wrote an article for Livewire on Moral Policing in Mumbai’s Educational Institutes, which was based on an online survey and personal interviews with educational officers, administrators and students.

To broaden her horizons and have a first-hand experience in international meetings, under the mentorship of TSP she was selected for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Youth Forum 2018, as part of the World Investment Forum and held at the Palace of Nations, Geneva. The forum was on ‘Youth entrepreneurship: a sustainable and inclusive force of growth’. TSP Asia sponsored her participation as part of our initiatives to promote youth participation. She is currently pursuing her MA in Economics at Central University of Kerala, Kasargode.


Ishraq Fazal

Ishraq Fazal, is one of TSP Asia’s early finds for the Youth for Sustainability (Y4S) programme. Advised to meet us, he has been a great support to TSP as a skilled organizer and possessing many of the new skills of his generation, He joined up with Shristi Achar, another lead member of Y4S and the two of them have been active in trying to launch the ‘We Too’ campaign on behalf of TSP – Y4S in relation to the Climate Change Challenges for the future of Planet Earth and Humankind. He and Shristi also helped, by working quietly in the background, before and during our ‘II International Conferences on ‘Advancing Knowledge Partnerships for the SDGs’. Seeing his skills, his attitude to work and desire to equip himself in the area of Sustainability we recommended him to do an internship at the UN. Having completed, his internship at the Environment and Development Division at the United Nations Economic and Social Division for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in Bangkok, Thailand, he went to do a successful consultancy in the same division.

Mentored by TSP Asia, he says he found it relatively easy to blend in and stand out at the UN and which I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to be a part of. My tasks have included coordinating for the Asia Pacific Forum for Sustainable Development (APFSD) where I understood the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and the efforts taken by various organizations to achieve it.. He says, I am overwhelmed by the constant support and guidance provided by my supervisors in the UN. I aspire to learn more about how different organizations within the United Nations work together in order to achieve a sustainable future for especially my generation and generations to come”.

YEP - Youth Empowerment Project

Programs under YEP will be announced here in the website and those interested in supporting can contact us. For further enquiries and assistance in any of the areas mentioned please write to us at:    contact@tspasia.org